Of all the things about Fall I love, getting cozy and warm has to be number one! Being that I live in South Florida where it’s always pretty warm, heading to another location for that cozy Fall feel is the…
Scripture of the Week
New week! New scripture! This one just might be one of my favorites.🧡 After Moses died, God gave Joshua (Moses’ assistant) instructions on what to do to successfully lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. God encouraged Joshua to be…
Scripture of the Week
So the funny thing is, that this scripture was running in the background of my mind and heart all last week! There are so many thoughts that arise from day to day and some of those thoughts are just simply…
Scripture of the Week
One of my sweet friends came up with the idea of sharing a scripture each week in our friend group to memorize and meditate on. Each of us will share one scripture during our week and commit to memorizing it…